
Bengaluru, India The reviews seemed great and the menu creative but the food didn't pass muster but for the sattu paratha. The gobhi manchurian was stodgy and sour , the paneer chatpata had stale paneer and was sour tooo. Perhaps a bad day for them but surely not again for me. may be the sattu... Continue Reading →

Bier Garten

Bangalore,India Visited Bangalore after 7 months and put this on my list to cover. Packed to the hilt on a saturday evening this sprawling microbrewery seemed to be managed with ease. As a group of 4  we parked ourselves at the bar for beer as expecting a table was futile. With Wheat, lager and a... Continue Reading →

Udipi Delux

Brookfield, Bengaluru This place is done up beautifully and we on a holiday chose to sit upstairs and expected service. The service was there but atrocious, imagine one person to take the food order for the entire floor!!! Coming to the food, baring the khara bhat and vada , the rest was very average .... Continue Reading →

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